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Siddhartha Title Sequence

Siddhartha is probably the most influential book on my life that I've read. It used the life-story of Siddhartha to explore the nuances of existence and one's path to nirvana. 

I designed an abstract sequence to represent the flow of Siddhartha's life. The grainy orbs to act as human auras, and moments written in the story.

personal notes

I'll mention a few things that are overarching points and maybe it'll entice at least one of you to read it:

1. A wise man can tell a fool every answer he needs but that fool will become no wiser until he himself experiences his own way of doing it.

2. Living life to its fullest isn't about being happy or doing that one thing everyone says you're "destined" to do. (destiny is a farse for those that feel insignificant.)


Living life to it's fullest means exploring all possibilities of your existence. You should be open to all opportunities that come to you. Allow yourself and life to happen- this will fall in line when you let go of what little control you think you have, and allow yourself- to just "be".


Being is anything, it can be still, fast, loud, or quiet- give yourself the opportunity, moment to moment to take a different course or mindset- this, this is what living life to its fullest means - by allowing what is already happening- to happen and to become aware of those changes or as we call them, "happenings".

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